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Featuring chats with Matt Copeland, Michelle Lindsay, Derek 'Rants', and more!
Featuring interviews with Alex Cargill, Dr. Laura Braden, Patty Van Diepen, and more!
Featuring interviews with Maxime Bernier, Greg Arcade, James Corbett, Ben Mitchell, and more!
Featuring interviews with Dr. Patrick Phillips, Alex Vriend, Derek Harrison, Greg Arcade, Greg Wycliffe, and also Jake, Jamie, and Tom from Veterans 4 Freedom.
The First 48, featuring interviews with Jeremy Mackenzie, Morgan May, Maxime Bernier, Brad Skistimas, James Corbett, Dan Dicks, Conspiracy Music Gur, and many more!
No doubt we'll talk conspiracy with our special guest tonight, Matt Copeland, but we'll also dive a little into living life as East Coast Canadians.
Tonight we'll talk some common sense with Michelle Lindsay, Atlantic Canada's Lieutenant for the People's Party of Canada.
Big changes for Derek 'Rants' Harrison since he last joined us, and tonight we welcome him back to get a look into his adventures into the wild.
They give their minds, limbs, and lives, and when it's said and done, all the thanks they get isn't even a bare minimum.
When the problems of the world appear to be a Goliath, be a David.
Why do we call it World War 3, when it's just the same ol' well oiled war machine?
"Become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus
For all the wins we get, it's good to not forget; it's gonna get ugly.
Why do we love to hate?
Left to right the pendulum swings, as it takes out all caught in between.
It's great to be awake, but there's a reason why the blue pill is so attractive.
Whatever happens next, do not comply.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Having hope is healthy. Hopium however, is dangerous, addictive, and it nearly always helps keep the tyrannical abuse cycle in motion.
We're two years into this podcast and our main messages remain the same; the path is the path, find your friends, and expect a self rescue. It's up to us, our communities.
Tonight we'll make an attempt at breaking the matrix with the return of Alex Cargill, aka TransSplendor.
Create a problem for an intended reaction so that you can implement a desired solution. Oldest trick in the book.
Hate to break it to y'all, but utopias don't exist.
They say they want to stop all the hate, as they advocate violence.
Failures in the system are not bugs - they're features.
We welcome former PEI school board trustee Patty Van Diepen tonight, who recently resigned over the inability to address parents concerns on radical gender ideology.
If those who know rise up and shine, then those who don't may see the light.
We welcome back Dr. Laura Braden tonight who since we last chatted has been doing all she can do, clearly showing she's someone who's going down swinging.
It's for the future, the children, why we do what we do. "So, make this a war to win. Look in their eyes and tell them that I will always fight for you"
We don't know what you've been through, but we imagine that it's something that your friends felt too.
We were planning another dive into current politics and clown world news this week... but we got high.
Not sure who coined the phrase, but Clown World is certainly a perfect description for the timeline we're currently living in.
That sound you hear all around you is the Symphony of Destruction, and that dance you see is the sway of marionettes.
Psychological, spiritual, cultural, economic - This is a war on all the things.
In the context of "We The People", the name of the Party seems to makes sense. We'll ask Maxime Bernier about it tonight, the Leader of the People's Party of Canada.
With thoughts of sitting on porches gettin' a little bit stoned, watchin' sunsets behind happy homes, and other Home Grown stuff that sounds like heaven to us, we welcome back the multi-talented Greg Arcade.
Deception, Pestilence, Famine, and War. If they had an open door, would they kill a little more?
One year after the violent crackdown on peaceful protestors in Ottawa, and we're still proud members of the fringe minority with unacceptable views.
We may have trouble pronouncing Autodidacticism at first, but we'll learn by doing so tonight in our conversation with long-time investigative journalist, James Corbett.
We've often said that revolution music of today will be remembered forever, and we're assuming our guest tonight - Ben Mitchell, founder of Free The Nation Music - would probably agree.
The title may seem flippant, but we literally invited Dr. Patrick Phillips, MD back to the show tonight to ask him what's up with the disturbing medical scene.
In many ways much of what we say now is not for the people here now. These messages of freedom and peace are for future generations to hear, and ideas always live on.
A message to disenfranchised Conservatives, to anyone now struggling to feed and house their families, and to those injured by coerced medical treatments - welcome to the revolution.
Big Tech, Big Media, Big Gov, and Big Pharma will continue to promise us health and safety in exchange for our liberty, and at the end of 2022 our resolve remains the same - we'd rather be free.
The best way to know a tactic is absolutely working is when it's slandered as 'far right extremism'. We'll chat about that and more tonight with a General in the Meme War, The Ferryman's Toll (Alex Vriend).
Last week we talked about the attack on free speech, and in other told-ya-so news, tonight we'll focus on the controversial federal gun control Bill C-21.
Because our fundamental human right to express ourselves, to speak freely, is one that reinforces all other human rights, it's constantly under attack, as evidenced by the latest threat in Canada; Bill C-11.
In the culture war, they may take down statues, they may hate the Canadian flag, but from our cold dead hands will they get our plaid.
Tonight we welcome Plaid Army founder, Derek 'Rants' Harrison.
Hurricane Fiona knocked us offline for a few weeks prompting an unexpected 2 month break. But we're back now, continuing to do what we know we all have to - we're keeping on keepin' on.
Party politics is theatre, puppets dancing on a stage, while hopium filled peasants argue the color rope upon which they'll hang.
'Side by side, no one can break them, when we take the time to make them. Nothing makes the old world right like music and friends.'
Greg Arcade, Greg Wycliffe, and Derek Harrison joined us tonight in our 50th episode celebration!
There are many hurdles upon this path we march, and with each one we can choose to be bitter, or better... or both. Yeah, let's go with both.
Certainly not bitter about our chat with Jake, Tom, and Jamie from Veterans 4 Freedom tonight though!